AngryKoreaMan Δημοσίευση 7 Οκτωβρίου, 2008 Αναφορά Δημοσίευση 7 Οκτωβρίου, 2008 ** Αυτό το θέμα ασχολείται με το άρθρο: Μπένυαμιν εναντίον Ρόζενκραντζ: Αυτή τη φορά η κόντρα είναι προσωπική! **LOL OUTE KAN.H Vedetta DEN arxise prin 10 meres otan o DB afise kai kala ena HU pou epeze me ton Krantz otan nikise ena megalo pot(pou dikaiwma tou sto katw katw).Arxise polles meres pio prin otan o KRANTZ pire merikes ekatontades xiliades dollaria se ena session me ton DB PLO.Meta to session o KRANTZ tou stile mesw tou Money Transfer 5$ (ROFL) psila gia taxi or whatever kai kala na ton tiltarei.Kai meta ton prokalei na paixei sta xartia tin gomena tou tin erica whatever her last name is.Apospasma apo to dialogo :David Benyamine: why diid u send me the money because ftp security is checkingon itDavid Benyamine: ???pr1nnyraid: just jokepr1nnyraid: felt bad cause i hit and ran you at plopr1nnyraid: you can keep itDavid Benyamine: we will know it soonpr1nnyraid: know whatpr1nnyraid: why else would i send you pocket changepr1nnyraid: lets play nowDavid Benyamine: if u were one of the people sending spywarepr1nnyraid: davidpr1nnyraid: i dont know much about sending spywarepr1nnyraid: but im pretty sure you cant send it via a ftp transferpr1nnyraid: in factpr1nnyraid: ill lay you 100:1 on whatever you want to betpr1nnyraid: that it was nothing more than a joke because i felt badpr1nnyraid: why else would i send you pocket changeDavid Benyamine: do i know you?pr1nnyraid: nopeDavid Benyamine: does erica?pr1nnyraid: nopepr1nnyraid: i'm 23 we've never played live ormetpr1nnyraid: was only in vegas for wsopDavid Benyamine: it was just weird i got 3 inthe same weekDavid Benyamine: i wouldn't say anythiing if usent me 50000pr1nnyraid: we shall play for ericapr1nnyraid: you put her uppr1nnyraid: i put up my sick watchDavid Benyamine: this is ericaDavid Benyamine: mofopr1nnyraid: are you playing or watchingDavid Benyamine: i handle the chat portion H erica apo to na grafei exypnades sto blog ths, de paei na gyrisei kana dvd me strip poker akoma na vgalei kana $$$,giati an perimenei na vgalei h idia apo to poker xlwmo.Eytixws o adras tis o DB einai pextaras kai exei polla $$$.Anyway KRANTZ ***** ownz. Παράθεση
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