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Pokerland Φόρουμ


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nanasta's Achievements

  1. alienhack έγραψε: xero oti den einai thread stratigikis alla den mporo na min po auto pou skeftomai gia kapia xeria. Lathos #1. to raise sou pre flop me 2 atoma prepei na einai pio megalo na eisai sigouros oti tha meineis me enan paixti kai oti tha xreoseis pio akriva small pairs kai suited connectors na doun to flop. lathos #2 sto flop se pot 2.10 pontareis 0.7 me flush draws pithana. to aplo call tou sou leei oti exei draw i pagideuei me mikrotero set. lathos #3 sto turn kaneis pali mikro bet se sxesi me to pot omos sou leei kati exei kai tha to paixei to xeri, i mikro set i semi bluf w flush draw, valton all in ekei , gaiti efoson exeis skopo na pas all in st river giati oxi sto turn. Lathos #4 ola ta proigoumena lathi sysoreuontai sto river all in afou vlepeis oti pithana drawing hands apos ta 56s i TJs simplirothikan me to 9. Ekei check call small bets, i fold se all in. Eisai out of position kai prepei na ta paizeis pio fast kai epithetika ta xeria sou giati diaforetika akoma kai ta monsters mporoun na ginoun disasters. Ara loipon kamia fora anti na xeneronoume prepei na koitame ti tha kaname kalitera se kapio xeri kai na einai oi antipaloi mas pou kanoun ta lathi kai as xasoume sto telos, giati mallon tha ekane call me flush draw se all in sou sto flop kai turn alla tha eixe kanei autos to lathos oxi esy.
  2. clansman έγραψε: To get the percentage, we add $30 plus $10 get a sum of $40. Now we divide $10 by $40, giving us 0.25, or 25 percent. pios einai o ilithios re fish, den xereis na diavazeis agglika, sou leei 10 pros 40, san 500 apo 2000 (gia tin erotisi tou OP) kai tin apantisi mou, esy les 500 pros 1500 diladi 33,33% to poio einai lathos. Who is the dumb ass now? To afino pros krisi ton allon na apofasisioun kai kati akoma pes mas pou paizeis online na sou kanoume parea....Donk
  4. den exo xrono gia videakia kai alla tetia, kai nai eimai apolytos, apla leo oti stin erotisi tou OP i apantisi einai 500 sta 2000. Auta einai ta pot odds pou prepei na sigkrineis me ta odds tou win gia to call i fold......-----------
  5. aris06 έγραψε: 500 for 2000 einai to sosto.
  6. Mou kanei entyposi pou kanenas den anefere ena aplo cbet sto flop, as poume 5000. Me auto pithanon na to pareis ekei , an einai tight kai exei kanei call me aj mporei na to petaxei. Tou deineis free card, kai sto turn xaneis tin dinatotita na deis esy ena free card sto river kai pithanon na pas se ftino showdown.
  7. VARIANCE! An den exei tiltarei den yparxei logos na figei apo to pc, just keep playing through it. Ekei sto xeri me QJs fold sto 3 bet kai den mlekeis, ektos an exeis dinato read on the villain kai exei xeftilistei sta 3 bet. An exei normal 3bet% me arketa xeria ta petao. To provlima me to re raise all in ekei einai oti den exeis folding equity etsi me megali pithanotita pasw gia showdown mono me 35% equity max. Kata ta alla den diakrino sovara lathi, apla polla donks kai calling stations getting lucky for now!
  8. ok alla lifetime pou einai to ev se sxesi me to actual? giati auto pou metraei einai to 'long term' etsi den einai?
  9. GeorgeSadoor έγραψε: to win rate to exei to poker tracker, to ooio epivaletai gia multitabling, oso gia to st.dev to prosthesan sto teleutaio update all nomizo oti exei bug. Akoma kai an exeis auta omos xreiazontai arketes formules kai ypologismoi gia na exeis kapia basika statistika stoixeia, opos hourly win rate me rakeback, ores pou xreiazontai gia na eisai 99.7% sigouros oti eisai kerdoforos sto sigkekrimeno orio, confidence bands 95% kai 99.7% mesa sta opoia perimeneis na keimenetai to kerdos sou meta apo x ores, maximum loss pou perimeneis me 99.7% sigouria (to opoio tha sou dosei to apaitoumeno bankroll) kai to c.o.v to opoio to einai to coefficient of variation kai mporeis na to xreisimopieiseis gia na sigkrineis tis apodoseis sou se diaforetika oria paixnidiou, diladi mporei na auxaneis to win rate sou alla logo auxisis tou variance mporei to apaitoumeno bankroll na min sou epitrepei na paizeis sto neo orio me asfaleia tou 0.3% risk of ruin. Ego exo ftiaxei ena excel pou to mono pou xreiazesai einai na valeis ta session results profit, hands, time in hours kai mgr (rake ) apo to poker tracker kai to excel mou vgazei olous tous parametrous pou proanefera. Vevea einai prosarmosmeno stis dikes mou orexeis gia risko pou einai poli mikres diladi tis taxeos to 0.3 % risk of ruin. An to theleis omos mporo na sto steilo, me ena e mail se pm. Kai opoios allos cash player to thelei mou lete
  10. GeorgeSadoor έγραψε: to bankroll pou xreiazesai exartatai apo to win rate sou (4/h) kai to standard deviation per hour( tetragoniki riza tou variance). Logika me to multitabling an eisai winning player to win rate tha auxithei, eno to standard deviation tha meiothei i tha einai stathero. Prepei na vreis vevea meta apo polles dokimes kai kali basi dedomenon to maximum ton trapezion pou mporeis na antapexelteis kai to win rate sou einai sto max xoris na megalonei to variance. Ara i apantisi einai oti gia enan winning kai ikano multitabler to apaitoumeno bankroll tha einai to idio kai mallon mikrotero. Tora to variance exartatai apo to styl tou paixnidiou sou, an as poume paizeis LAG me polles blofes i semi bluffs with draws k.l.p tha xreiasteis megalitewro bankroll apo enan TAG me pio sintiritiko stil paixnidiou, Akoma diladi kai an oi dio paixtes exoun to idio win rate, autos me to megalitero variance thelei kai pio megalo bankroll giati ta downsings mporei na einai megalitera logo pio sixnon showdown. To multitabling den allazei to apaitoumeno bankroll efoson den epireazei arnitika to win rate kai to variance tou kathe paixti.
  11. kai afou kaneis ola auta perna kai apo to frenokomeio gia ena check up! alla asto kalitera giati einai sigouro oti tha se kratisoun mesa gia parasthiseeis kai neuriko klonismo. nice hand, HARDELEUSINA
  12. crf88 έγραψε: lol auto pou xero einai oti kapoios apo tous dyo, den thimatai kala to pos paixtike to xeri: o Alexiou leei oti eidane flop me polous limper kai o timex pige all in me aj kai ekane to call, o de timex leei oti ekane raise stous limpers re raise o alexxiou kai jam all in o timex. Den mporo na xero ME VEVEOTITA alla an kapios me rotage to pio pithano tropo pou paixtile to xeri tha elega oti itan auto tou timex, TO VRISKO DISKOLO NA PAEI ALL IN KAPIOS ME AJ SE FLOP K HIGH ME 4-5 LIMPERS KAI 12500 STACK. an elege most greek players are so bad tha simfonousa alla gia to all tha diafoniso. Esy ton euato sou diladi gia to 5000 event ton theoreis fish eh, kai simfoneis me ton kamataki?
  13. crf88 έγραψε: I have one greek friend on the EPT tour who has told me about how bad all Greek players are and before the tournament... ESY POU XEREIS AGGLIKA KAI EPEIDI EMEIS MONO 19 XRONIA ZISAME STIN AMERIKI KAI TA EXOUME XEXASEI PES MAS TI SIMAINEI 'ALL GREEK PLAYERS'?
  14. vergitsis έγραψε: ego den eida kanena allo na mou epitithetai apra mono esena. Lol, Den simfoneis me pio pragma ? den eipa tin gnomi mou gia kati, ena post tritou, parethesa. Alla kai poios sou eipe oti me endiaferei an simfooun i diafonoun me auta pou grafo. Ta forum giauto yparxoun gia na grafoume oti theloume mesa panta se politismena plaisia.
  15. vergitsis έγραψε: 5 post ton teleutaio xrono kai einai ola gia antipara8eseis[/quote:2oib9cda] Esy ti paraistaneis ton ntavatzi i ton Roben ton donks? lol[/quote:2oib9cda] esi? Ego postarisa ena endiaferon post tou timex apo to cardrunners forum, epeidi eixe na kanei me ellines paixtes. Proton mou ekane entiposi an einai alithia vevea giati fenetai oti lei polla psemata o TIMEX pou o Kamatakis eipe toso asxima logia gia tous ellines paixtes giati den simfono katholou, an lavoume yppsin poso neo einai to poke r edo kai sikgrinoume ta megethi ta dika mas me ton allon xoron tha deis oti auto den isxiei. Kai meta mou ekane entiposi to play tou allou pixti pou meta ematha apo to post oti itan tou alexiou kai den paixtike opos to eipe o TIMEX. I apantisi loipon se sena einai nai to paizo ntavatzis ton ellinon donk. Pou vlepeis loipn tin antiparathesi sto post mou? i mipos travas kana prosopiko zori mazi mou kai den to xero, giati den nomizo na sou exo epitethei pote se forum gia kati pou eipes esto kai an tha eprepe?
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